Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ministry of Hope

By Dan Langerock

There are so many people in need of encouragement nowadays with the economy being what it is. Stress in people’s lives is at a breaking point and they need to know someone cares about them. I am putting forth a challenge for the Christian community and others who want to use their gifts to help others. Here is the idea:
I believe there are many of you out there with gifts the Lord has given you for singing, playing instruments, encouragement and a host of others. Why not use them to benefit our nation by going in your own city, area and wherever God leads you to spread this hope from God? One person cannot hope to meet all the needs our country has, but all of us working together can make a difference for God, and even an impact. That is the true point of being a Christian, to make an impact for God wherever you go.
We cannot accomplish this momentous task in our own strength because we are not strong enough in ourselves. The issues are too complex. The problems are too big for our wisdom. That is why we need the marvelous wisdom of God that transcends description. We need His power and His love and His wisdom to accomplish the seemingly impossible. Jesus said, “What is impossible for man is possible with God.”
You don’t have to be perfect to be able to use that gift God has given to you. If you will step out in faith, I believe God will work in a wondrous way in our beautiful country of America. Everyone, at some point in their lives needs hope and encouragement. There are many without jobs, places to live, and most of all hope for the future to believe once again. It has all been drained out by what they have been through, just as things may have happened in your life as well.
So, what can you do? Pray about how God wants you to help our nation, first of all. Then use the gifts God has given you to show people the love of God in your neighborhood and city. If we put God in a small box we will get small results. However, if we let Him out of the proverbial box and believe with all our being, God will do wonders for America---one person at a time.
I am challenging every Christian in America to at least pray for God to move in a mighty way in the hearts of Christians everywhere. Then, step out in faith and do what you have prayed about. Get out there and encourage people. If you play an instrument or sing, use those gifts wherever you can. It doesn’t matter what your gift is, the point is to use it for the glory of God.
One church I know of is making quilts for people at a mission to keep. So look for needs in your own sphere of influence: where you work, shop, and everywhere you go. The Bible tells us that wherever Jesus went, He did good for others. If we claim to be Christians and His disciples, can we do any less than He did?
Thank you for praying and joining us in our Mission of Hope to America. You will be truly blessed if you pray about this and then act upon it by using what God has given you. Remember, we are not to be a reservoir but a funnel of His blessings to those around us. God bless you as you obey.


  1. You are in my prayers through your journey.
    May the Lord bless you and keep you safe. The paths you cross be ever pleasant and peaceful and that you are covered in the blood of Jesus. God bless you brother.

    By the way I am also under cruizen4u but I thought it wasn't appropriate to have this when speaking to you. I apologize.

    Cindy Hernandez

  2. God is a loving and compassionate God and He has called you to a service that will impact many in the weeks, months and years to come. I am so very thankful that God chose me to work beside you in this. My prayer is that in all that we do...people do not see us, but what God is doing through us.
