Saturday, January 10, 2009

How to Jump-Start Your Marriage Relationship

By Dan Langerock

Too often, discussions about attitudes and other important information about the individuals getting married are left unsaid until a crisis arises. Then, you may find out too late the way a person reacts in a given situation is not to your liking. As an alternative, I would like to suggest a new way of thinking about the beginning of a marriage.
Common thought tells us that a marriage begins when the vows are said, but does it really? What would happen if you began relating to each other as married once you knew for certain God wanted the two of you to be a couple. This could begin as early as the moment the engagement is announced, if not before. What I am referring to is how you talk and respond to each other, not in a sexual sense.
If you were to begin at this point of knowing you were meant for each other, you would have a better chance to evaluate how you function as a couple in God’s eyes as well as others. After all, isn’t the beginning of a great marriage when your hearts become as one before the vows are said. When that first blossom of love begins to grow toward maturity?
Begin by relating verbally to one another as if you were married. Take the time to also listen to each other so you know what your lover is feeling at the moment. If you don’t take the time to listen to them, how will you know their true needs?
Observe and ask questions as you grow in your relationship about how and why your mate reacts in various situations. If you don’t know why they reacted in a given manner, sit down with them and discuss the situation you are curious about.
Nurture the love you have begun together and ask for God’s wisdom in your relationship. That is the beginning of a truly great relationship, when God is at its center. Take time to talk and listen to each other’s ideas on spiritual and other areas of interest. What relational habits you begin at this point will greatly benefit your marriage at a future date. Remember the admonition from Proverbs 3:6 “Seek His will in all you do, and He will direct your paths.”(NLT) He will not only direct your paths as individuals but as a couple also. Let the light of your love for each other be a beacon to the world around you.

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